2008年12月 1st ALBUM『ROSEBUD』 Jazz Lab.Records
2009年11月 2nd ALBUM『La Vie』 disk union DIW the GRACE
2012年12月 3rd ALBUM『HANA-chatte tricolore-』 disk union DIW the GRACE
2014年 9月 4th ALBUM『avec U』 disk union DIW the GRACE
2016年 4月 5th ALBUM『La Blanche』 Mi-cia Records
2016年12月 6th Minimini ALBUM LP 『Sofia』 Mi-cia Records
2022年 8月 7th ALBUM『猫の森-Foret de Chats-』 Mi-cia Records
ジャンルを超えたメロディメーカーとして楽曲に定評があり、NHK,TBS,TOKYO MX 等、TVやラジオ番組内にて楽曲使用多数。HMVジャズチャート1位ランクイン。
2014年 デザイナー桂由美氏の”友禅”コレクションでのソロピアニストに抜擢され、ニューヨークでのショーにて楽曲演奏が高評価を得る。
2016年 イラストレーションの巨匠・宇野亞喜良氏とのコラボレーションによる、音楽と絵の融合で新たな世界観を表現し、唯一無二の猫絵本CDアルバムを制作。
2017年 宇野亞喜良氏アートディレクションによる、MusicVideoを制作。
2022年 自身の愛するベーゼンドルファーピアノの深淵な音色を通し、音楽物語をテーマに製作。
Misato Senoo
I was born in Kobe, Japan.
I started playing the Piano at the age 3.
Graduated from Musashino Academia Music, Department of Instrumental Music, Piano Course.
I studied classical music under Yoshiko Okazaki and Kyoko Ito, and jazz under Takashi Shimamoto.
At the age 7, I participated in a public lesson given by a professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and received high praise.
Encountered with the music of French jazz pianist Michel Petrucciani, Iwas attracted to the world of free self-expression, and developed activities in the style of composing and performing myself.
I has released 7 original albums so far.
December 2008
1st Album "ROSEBUD" (Jazz Lab.Records)
November 2009
2nd Album "La Vie" (disk union DIW the GRACE)
December 2012
3rd Album "HANA 〜chatte tricolore〜" (disk union DIW the GRACE)
September 2014
4th Album "avec U" (disk union DIW the GRACE)
April 2016
5th Album "La Blanche" (Mi-cia Records)
December 2016
6th Minimini Album LP "Sofia" (Mi-cia Records)
August 2022
7th Mini Album "Neko no Mori 〜Foret de Chats〜" (Mi-cia Records)
I have a reputation for my music as a melody maker that transcends genres, and it used many songs in TV and radioprograms such as NHK,TBS, and TOKYO MX.Ranked #1 on the HMV jazz chart.
In 2014, I was selected as a solo pianist for Wedding Designer Yumi KaTsura's "YUZEN" new collection.andrecieved high acclaim for my musical performance at a show in New York.
In 2016, in collaboration with Akira Uno, a master of illustration, I created a one-of-a-kind"cat picture book CD album "that expresses a new world view with picture books and music.
2017, Produced Music Video with art direction by Akira Uno.
2022, I created "Music Story" based on the picture book "Louis Adoventure".
Constructing a profound musical fantasy through the transparent tone of I beloved Bosendorfer Piano.